Love at Wolf Creek Readers Favorite Reviews

Love at Wolf Creek Readers Favorite Reviews

As promised, I am sharing reviews that were received as a result of entering the international contest at Reader's Favorite. My novel, "Love at Wolf Creek" which I wrote with the pen name of Ailene Frances received the following fantastic reviews.

Reviewed by Grant Leishman for Readers’ Favorite  *5

Love at Wolf Creek by Ailene Frances is a sweet historical romance set in the Texas hinterland. Aiden has had his share of tragedy in life, from losing his entire family not long after they emigrated from Ireland to America, to being seriously wounded fighting for the Confederate Army in the Civil War. He is now settled as the majority owner of a cattle ranch in Texas but he is missing something; a good woman to share the rest of his life with. When Pauline’s father sees the business opportunities of leveraging his meat packing business with a successful Texas rancher, he is delighted to offer the hand of his only daughter to create the union. Not keen to wed sight unseen, Aiden and his foreman head to New Orleans to meet the beautiful Pauline. Despite some subterfuge by Aiden, he falls deeply in love with the pampered socialite and the feeling is mutual. When Pauline is abducted by sex traffickers determined to turn her into a prostitute for the needy men of the West, Aiden and Angus engage in a furious chase to save Pauline's virtue, dignity, and perhaps even her life.

Love at Wolf Creek is unashamedly an unpretentious and simple romance but Ailene Frances has created a wonderfully diverse and fascinating group of main characters that give the novel added depth and interest. I particularly appreciated Pauline, who had grown up in the lap of luxury and had wanted for nothing, yet retained a fierce and determined attitude that would serve her well when she encountered a world she had never experienced before. Aiden similarly had hidden depths and despite appearing to be an archetypal Texan cattle baron, he also had come from wealth and privilege back in Ireland. He displayed a strong moral sense of right and wrong but was prepared to do whatever it took to defend his beloved Pauline. I appreciated that the romantic scenes were bold, expressive, and suitably steamy without crossing that invisible line to becoming vulgar and crass. The twists and turns of the plot were well thought out and seamless. I’m a sucker for a sweet romance and this certainly qualifies as one, with some heart-pumping action thrown in for good measure. This is a short and thoroughly enjoyable read that I can highly recommend.

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers’ Favorite  5*

Immerse yourself in an absorbing Western romance novel with Ailene Frances' Love at Wolf Creek. It's 1875. Aiden Kennedy, an Irish immigrant who became a well-off Texan rancher, is eager to expand his business interests by marrying a young New Orleans socialite. Pauline O'Malley has always been spoilt. But when she discovers that she is to be married to an older Texan cowboy, she sets out to make sure that isn't so. Despite their insidious motives, Aiden and Pauline somehow fall for each other. But when Pauline finds herself held captive by a nefarious trafficking gang, Aiden, with his friend Angus McCann, sets off to rescue her. Aiden must navigate Native American and Mexican renegades to find her. Only now, he may be the one who needs to be rescued by Pauline.

Love at Wolf Creek has everything Western fans could want in a novel. Gun-slinging cowboys, outlaw gangs, and beautiful women feature in this captivating thriller packed to the brim with action, romance, humor, and drama. Ailene Frances' intricate plot is perfectly complemented by some inherently dynamic characters who never fail to entertain. The fast-paced narrative rarely lets you take a breather as you find yourself constantly on edge thinking about what's going to happen next. There are also many humorous moments throughout the book. Each interaction between Aiden and Pauline was a joy to read, and the witty dialogue brings some much-needed levity to the pages. I thoroughly enjoyed Love at Wolf Creek, and I will heartily recommend it to fans of Westerns who also love romance novels.

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers’ Favorite

Ailene Frances rounds up a group of cowboys and socialites in her novel Love at Wolf Creek. Due to a misunderstanding, Angus McCann is shocked when he opens a marriage proposal meant for the owner of Bar J&K Ranch. The true owner, Aiden Kennedy, isn't opposed to a union between the daughter of his business acquaintance and himself, but his fellow ranchers encourage him to meet the girl, Pauline O'Malley, before he commits himself. After a passionate encounter near a body of water, Pauline misunderstands Aiden's intentions and runs away. Aiden tries to find her, but human traffickers capture Pauline. Aiden's gunslinging and tracking skills are put to the test as he and Angus try to locate Pauline before she is lost in a world of wickedness and pain.

Ailene Frances builds a romance with a single spark and keeps it ignited until the last page. Readers can sense the instant attraction between Aiden and Pauline and hope they will find their happily ever after. The book is full of historical tidbits, like references to underarm liners, that will get readers thinking about products that were common during the late 1800s, and they'll be swept into the beautiful landscapes Frances describes. Pauline is depicted as a socialite, but she becomes a strong character, while Aiden's rugged good looks and cowboy demeanor will earn him a place in any reader's fantasy. Love at Wolf Creek is a good selection for readers who enjoy intimate romances with a historical atmosphere and hints of suspense and Western adventure.


It's so exciting to get great reviews.  If you are a reader and you like what you have read, please remember to support the author with a review! 

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